Saturday, June 12, 2010

I'm ticked

I would like to say i'm dissapointed with the choices that the judges picked, i mean really? I didn't expect mine to win but the team that did sucked, no offense to them, but i do not think they should've won. You have to run into the friken stop sign to win. WTF? But oh wait no one from south harrison could win even though our worst game is better than "fox racers". and oh ya i'm pretty sure thats copyrighted by the fox racing company? but hey what do i know? I would just like to say no hard feelings to the "fox racers". have a nice day and enjoy your laptops, with i'm sure, lame flash CS3 even though CS5 is out now, too bad they are too cheap to get you the new updated version. They didn't even register our version so all year I had to click "ignore" to the register thingy.

Friday, April 30, 2010

4/26/10 - 4/30/10

This week we blogged on stuff and things, updated our learning logs, and observed other games.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Blog prompt 4/22/10

Its hard to teach information about the amendments, because they aren't written out in plain modern day English. For example "the right to bear arms" could mean literally that your allowed to have "bear arms" in your house. We show how it means guns instead of animal parts.

Friday, April 16, 2010


This week we cleaned up our team pages, edited our games, and updated our learning log EVERY DAY.... I almost got to add some important stuff to my game, but it didn't happen only minor changes were made. And I've run out of ideas for creativeness; I'm not sure how to add a health bar to a trivia based game.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Blog Prompt 4/15/10

The news manipulated information they are given to make things seem worse than they are, or to make it sound more interesting; they may even sway it a little towards Liberal or Conservative depending on the news source.Personally I would rely on your local news show, or local news paper; based on past experience it seems they are the most balanced. Also if you are Liberal watch CNN, and if you are Conservative watch Fox news.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ideals blog prompt 3/31/10

Game: I-Object
After watching the paper prototype and playing the game, I've gathered that they did not have the code and they tweaked their game slightly. I too had this same problem, so to remedy this problem by completely fixing my game. This resulted in satisfying results, as I feel this game is to have.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ideals Blog Prompts 3/25/10

School:Randolph Technical Center
Name:The Smelly Closets
Title:What Are They Thinkin'?
This game describes what your politicians are thinking. Which is very important, you need to know what they are thinking. You need to know what they are thinking to understand them, and if they are going to benefit you or not. And that will lead to you voting for them or not. Which last time I checked every politician wants your vote. Overall this game captures their thoughts and explains the importance of politics.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ideals Blog prompts and assignments

This is a picture of our original paper prototype for our game. It's kind of funny how much different it is now. Overall, we must have went through about 5 different versions to get to the one we are working on now. We talked to our teacher about how we could make it more civic related and such. This was mostly our collaboration. This relates to civics because its shows where we began and how we got to the point were at.

Friday, March 19, 2010


This week we worked on our games, and took some tests.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Game Demo 3/8/10-3/12/10

We edited our games and got our game demos uploaded. again.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Civic Engagement prompt 3-9-10

How well do you believe the average American citizen understands US Ideals and how they are applied in government? Why does it matter?
Most people don't know anything about government, they know nothing of the ideals. The average American citizen doesn't care, they just want their part and their money; they don't want to be involved. Most Americans now days are brainwashed, there patriotism is being killed. The government will take control, and we will become communists. That's why it matters, people should know about their government, and they should be involved. But anymore the only young people involved in government have had their naive mind swayed by a liberal college professor.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Civic Engagement

Hello, my name is Alex, I love to play games, and i'm super excited to learn how to make and play some games. My team is called "The Aluminum Fighters" and it is composed of Ethan, and myself. Our game tries to teach you about the amendments and your right as a US citizen. It includes a series of questions and minigames. Team Page

Friday, January 29, 2010

Flash CS3 Documentation

•General naming guidelines- Keep your names short and sweet.
•Avoiding reserved words and language constructs- When naming instances and variables, avoid using reserved words, which can cause errors in your code.
•Naming variables-Do not begin variable names with numbers.
•Naming constants-You can use constants for situations in which you need to refer to a property whose value never changes.
•Naming Boolean variables-Start Boolean variables with the word "is".
•Naming functions and methods-Use descriptive names,and name methods as verbs.
•Naming classes and objects- Begin a class name with an uppercase letter.
•Naming packages- It's common for package names to use "reverse domain" naming convention.
•Naming interfaces- Starting interface names with an uppercase "I" helps you distinguish an interface from a class.
•Naming custom components- Component names have an uppercase first letter, and any concatenated words are written in mixed case.
•Writing good comments- Always leave good comments, they make people feel better about themself.
•Adding comments to classes- You use documentation comments to describe the code's specifications, but not the implementation.
•Keeping your ActionScript code in one place- Keep your actionscript code in one place, so you can edit it at any time. And so its easy to find.
•Attaching code to objects-You must avoid attaching ActionScript code to objects in a FLA file, even in simple or prototype applications.
•Handling scope-Scope is the area where the variable is known and can be used in a SWF file, such as on a timeline, globally across an application, or locally within a function.
•Structuring a class file- It takes your actionscript 2.0 and exports as a flash video.(SWF)
•About using functions- If you are using ActionScript 2.0, avoid writing functions on a timeline.
•General formatting guidelines- When you use spaces, line breaks, and tab indents to add white space to your code, you increase your code's readability.
•Writing conditional statements- Place conditions on separate lines in if, else..if, and if..else statements.And use braces ({}) for if statements.
•Writing compound statements- Compound statements contain a list of statements within braces ({}). The statements within these braces are indented from the compound statement.
•Writing a for statement- Just put // to write a statement in flash code.
•Writing return statements- Don't use parentheses [()] with any return statements that have values.
•Writing switch statements- All switch statements include a default case.
•About using listener syntax- You can write listeners for events in several ways in Flash 8 and later.


We learned how to make games that have the Drag and Drop method, plus we learned how to debug our game. But most of the debug files did not work. They had code, but nothing on the stage, and when we tested the .swf it did nothing at all.

Monday, January 25, 2010


This week we uploaded files, and reviewed for exams.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


This week we made a video presenting our game and powerpoint, and created a "game" page.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

1/4/10 - 1/8/10

This week we esentially did nothing, because we didn't have school due to snow.